This Freedom World community will be the first of many to spearhead new ideas, utilizing the unique gifts and abilities of its own inhabitants to make it a haven for not only the visiting individuals and groups, but also as a great opportunity to better the lives and futures of the staff.
With many of our veterans and orphans being lost outside of systems that once supported them, they will have a wonderful opportunity to gain an education, job experience, enhance leadership capabilities, and have a home to live in for the year and a half that they are a part of our program, as they help to tutor, guide, and assist our guests.
Freedom World will be a wonderful 1-2 week retreat for guests that will be a chance for our guests, which will consist of our handicapped, schools, churches, businesses and other groups who will come out to escape the confines of regular city life and have a chance to enjoy nature, find wellness, learn hobbies , life skills, and take part in new trades. Most importantly, learning a new way to live in a community where everyone supports one another. Each one teach one!
With everything provided and in place, this community pushes the ideas of regular living and teaches us all how to work and live together in more intelligent and caring ways, as well as assisting our city and governments with a way to work with an ever existing problem.
If you would like to partner with us by volunteering, offering ideas, or lending a hand with engineering or building ideas feel free to partner with us here.
If you would like to donate to this wonderful cause, please donate to our dreams here.
You matter. And whether it is an idea, an hour, or a dollar, you help to bring this dream into reality.