Help us, as well as our partners, to continue to bring free and affordable mental and emotional healthcare to our youth and students.

Almost 25.1% of our children (3-17 years old) were recently diagnosed with anxiety, and 5.9% of those cases growing into severe cases of anxiety. Aside that, 5% (3-17 years old) were diagnosed with severe depression. It is of great importance that we take responsibility and help our children to cope and understand themselves, so that these illnesses can be thwarted as early as possible.

Whether you are a provider, volunteer, donor, or an individual who is concerned about the mental and emotional well-being of our youth and future, this is the place and time to take part in the reinvention of the way that we shape our world beginning with the moral obligation to give our youth and students the proper tools to prosper, and this begins with a healthy mind and happy heart.

If you are a mental/emotional healthcare provider please fill out the form below to inquire and we will reach out to you with information and guidance on how you may take part and join with us on this fabulous journey.

If you are a volunteer or a business that would like to partner with us on a venture please visit our partner with us page here.

If you, your business, or your organization would like to be a donor to help us on any of our projects, please visit our donate page here.